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Common Orthopedic Injuries in Children

  • Category: Orthopedics
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  • Written By: Henry County Hospital
Common Orthopedic Injuries in Children

With children leading relatively active and playful lives, it's no surprise that they are more prone to sustaining injuries that affect their bones and joints. Here’s what you should know to help you identify these common injuries.

Sprained Fingers

A sprain happens when a ligament is overstretched or torn. Ligaments are a type of connective tissue that helps to hold your joints together. Typically, this type of injury happens with falling, twisting, or direct trauma to the affected body part.

Because children tend to be very physically active when playing or participating in sports, it’s common for them to sprain their delicate fingers.

Common symptoms of a finger sprain include:

  • Feeling a pop or tearing sensation
  • Pain
  • Swelling and inflammation
  • Inability to move the affected finger

Shoulder Dislocation

While the shoulders are very mobile joints that can twist and turn in many directions, they are also fairly easy to dislocate. Dislocations happen when the head of your upper arm is either partially or completely displaced from your shoulder socket.

Common shoulder dislocation symptoms include:

  • Visible deformity
  • Swelling and inflammation
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Bruising

Please keep in mind that dislocations are considered medical emergencies. If your child has dislocated their shoulder, be sure to seek immediate medical attention.


Concussions are mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI) that are brought on by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, causing the brain to jostle around in the skull. With playing and roughhousing being prevalent amongst school-aged children, concussions are a common occurrence.

Observable symptoms of a concussion include:

  • Not being able to recall events surrounding the fall or accident.
  • Appearing dazed and confused.
  • Moving clumsily.
  • Answering questions slowly.
  • Lost consciousness, even briefly.
  • Changes in behavior, mood, or personality.

If your child displays any of these symptoms, be sure to monitor their behavior for signs of a concussion for several days following an injury. If symptoms continue to worsen, take them to the emergency department right away.

Primary and Specialty Care in Henry County

At Henry County Hospital, we have been providing compassionate healthcare since 1919. When it comes to primary and specialty care, each patient can expect individualized care that meets their needs. From education to emotional support, we focus on your individual health and wellness.